As part of the department's commitment to anti-racism, each school has an Anti-Racism Contact Officer (ARCO).
The ARCO's role is to:
1. receive the suggestion, complaint or allegation regarding racism
2. assist the complainant to write the complaint if required
3. advise the complainant of their rights and the process to be followed in lodging a complaint
4. refer the complaint to a member of the school executive who will be responsible for resolving the complaint.
If you need an interpreter to assist you to speak to the ARCO on the telephone or to make an appointment for meeting with the ARCO, telephone the Telephone Interpreter Service on 131 450 and they will phone the school for you. The school may arrange to have an onsite interpreter present at the meeting. These services will be free of charge to you.
Further information:
Learning and Leadership Directorate
Equity and Multicultural Education
Contact: Multicultural Adviser
Tel: 9266 8238